Unit 62 NR Muzzleloader Tag?

minn elk chaser

Active Member
Jan 6, 2014
I would think it will take more this year as the point crept is going higher. Probably allot dumping points as I will use 14 to draw a tag in unit that took 6 last ylear.


Mar 28, 2016
Gypsum, Co
If you just have 4 points going in then you do stand a pretty good chance of drawing from looking at last years stats.

The problems come when other decided to cash in on a lesser unit and come in with a lot more points, but even then there are enough tags to get you one or two tags with 4 points.

For a non resident who needs to do some planning as far as vacation time and such I would want to go in with at least 5 points for this unit.


Veteran member
Feb 21, 2012
Two Harbors, Minnesota
One of the changes that CO made this year was the allocation of NR tags. The change for bear, elk, deer, and pronghorn are from the previous 65%/35% to only 25% for non-residents. This change can only serve to increase the point creep. Another change that may have some impact but harder to measure on the bull elk draw odds is the increase of the price of cow elk tags for NRs. Speaking only for myself, if I have to spend $800 for a cow tag, I would probably use the $ and points for a bull tag, even in a lower demand unit that I hadn't previously considered.

Hatchet Jack

Feb 14, 2018
Appalachian Trail, Maryland
I was trying to get an idea for a couple of buddies who have 2 pref points apiece. (I cashed all my 29 points in on unit 61 last year.)
I tried to warn them about the Colorado point creep, but they are half my age. With that said, they would like to do a muzzleloader hunt in the next couple of years.