Thanks for the Opportunity


Veteran member
Mar 6, 2014
Dover, Tennessee
Hey members thanks for the opportunity to communicate with other hunters. My name is Frank Gray, born and raised in Tennessee where I still live. Grew up hunting whitetails, in 1993 went on my 1st Elk hunt in Colorado and took a elk, hooked every since. Have made the trip out west almost every year since then. Love Wyoming ! What a place to hunt ! I play the Prefence Points game like most of you. My passion for the hunt grows stronger as I grow older, not really just about he kill now but more about the opportunity to be out there. I have read your post and visited this site for a while now, wanted to get acclimated before signing on. Hope to learn a few things and help other hunters if I can. Looking at retiring in a few years and climbing some more of those rough spots while I still can. Researching and planning to me is a fun part of the hunts and I do most of it for my hunting group. Hope this gives you some information about me.


Veteran member
Feb 25, 2014
Eastern Nebraska
Welcome to the forum! The researching is a lot of fun for some of us. This site provides an experienced opinion more than most. I am finding that Umpqua and a few others are better than a web site for a lot of your information needed to go out west.


Active Member
Sep 17, 2013
Minneapolis, MN
There's a bunch of Tennessee folks on here, I encourage you to connect with them! Looking forward to hearing what you've discovered over your 20+ years of western adventures!