Missouri boy


Jun 22, 2015
SW Missouri
I live in SW Missouri and have been hunting deer and turkeys for about 30 years with bow and gun. I made my first trip out west in 1993 with my cousin on an antelope hunt near Gillette, WY. I harvested two nice bucks and some does in trips that year and the next.
Went on my first elk hunt in 1996 to western Colorado on the Uncompahgre with a good friend's dad. I had a cow tag and tracked a group of elk in the snow and got my first elk on that trip, a very big cow. Even with an all day pack job the next day I was hooked!
Since then I have hunted either Colorado, Wyoming or Utah DIY every year except for one, harvesting elk, mule deer and antelope. I was fortunate to take 3 bears on spot and stalk hunts in central Alberta over the last two years as well.
I'm headed to eastern Montana this fall on a general deer tag. It will be my first trip to Montana and I'm looking forward to hunting for mule deer again. Although if a 160" whitetail shows up it won't get a pass!
I'll be going solo on this trip because all my hunting buddies wimped out. Oh well, their loss.:D


Veteran member
Apr 7, 2011
West Side, MoMo
Welcome. I spent a few great years in Springfield, going to college. I think I killed more ducks down there than I actually went to school..

River Rat

Active Member
Aug 25, 2011
Welcome to the forum. I'm in east central missouri.

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Veteran member
Nov 30, 2014
Welcome. You might be picking a good time to go to Montana, appears that the deer are recovering well up there. Should be some good bucks to be had.


Veteran member
Jun 20, 2011
Welcome. Ozark country is beautiful. My buddy has a condo on tablerock that I try to use every year. There is a guy from joplin on these blogs, can't remember his handle.