madison-bear creek WMA

J boe

New Member
Mar 10, 2011
Anyone been to the Madison-Bear creek WMA? Are there decent numbers of dear around there? I think thats were I'm
headed for the last week of the season or maybe just through it and into the wilderness. Can you camp in the WMAs?
Any info is appreciated thanks.

Bitterroot Bulls

Veteran member
Apr 25, 2011
I posted in your other thread, but will repeat it here:

I missed a chance at a whopper about 15 years ago in Bear Creek. There are low numbers, but good trophy potential. Tracking could work in addition to glassing. The WMA is winter range for elk, and sees a lot of elk, and elk hunters in the late season. There can be deep snow in the wilderness there. I believe camping is allowed on the WMA. Be prepared for snow and cold.

Good luck.