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    What Is Your Go To Hunting Knife?

    I just got an early bday present, a Montana Kife Company Sharptailed knife. It seems like a quality knife. It fits in my hand great and should work well for a caping kinife/ small game knife
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    deer unit 65

    Are there very many whitetail on the limited public areas? I am guessing access to private is probably pretty hard to get?
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    Wyoming mule deer question

    Let me start by saying that I have never hunted mule deer before. I know there has been some winter kill and drought but I am putting togther some hunts next year since it will be my sons senior year I want to get as much field time with him as I can. We will have 7 points each (8 for me 6 for...
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    Elk Results

    We drew our unit 100-4 tag. Looking forward to it
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    Elk Results

    Should have the points for my tag but not sure how many people are dumping points this year. I like the old draw dates better. Especially for antelope
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    Think we will burn the elk points this year and hopefully the deer points next year.
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    Fall turkey hunt out west. Options?

    I hadn’t considered Colorado but you have my attention. Any part of the state to look at? We could do some fishing that would be great too. Could plan about a week maybe? We would probably do some camping and maybe a hotel a couple nights.
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    Fall turkey hunt out west. Options?

    How have you been? Ya everything seems to be hurting. I was just talking to a guy who I took to Wyoming 4 years ago on his one and only hunt he was wondering when we could plan another hunt and I told him man I have no idea. Hoping the kids draw a management hunt here in Missouri but I’m not...
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    Fall turkey hunt out west. Options?

    Looking at fall hunt out west this year. South Dakota, Nebraska, Wyoming are on the short list. Any advice on hunting turkeys out west in the fall? A black hills hunt looks really interesting and a chance to see some new country. It will just be my son and I and a quick tent camp is an option...
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    Who else is...

    Glad to see you boys are still after it! Man I’ve fell off the wagon in every way. Gained about 40 pounds only went hunting 2 days last year, a day apiece with my kids. And went fishing one day. Just getting killed at work 12 hour days 6-7 days a week. Trying to plan some kind of hunt with my...
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    Hunting Doe

    My deer hunting is limited to Missouri and Kansas but my family and I shoot a lot of does. We eat them and like deer meat, but I don't like to shoot immature bucks I would rather shoot a doe than a young buck. Now I throw that out the window hunting with kids or new hunters if it is legal and...
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    Wyoming leftover elk options

    I just spent an afternoon out where we go. Man it made me wish I had a tag this year. driving To Wyoming and back in a weekend is rough but man the scenery is worth it
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    Son gets his 2nd bow kill

    Congratulations I need to hunt Arkansas sometime. Beautiful country down there
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    New crossbow

    I have a Wicked Ridge I bought on clearance about 3 years ago that I really need to get sighted in. I have a friend that wants my boy to come thin some does down for him with it
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    Hammer Hunters

    They look really good. I like the .17 offerings and the light 6mm for the 6x45. I might have to get some to try out
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    Who else is...

    Glad to see you guys still hammering it. I have been away from the gym way to long. I could make excuses about moving and trying to get a homestead going plus work being crazy but the truth is I lost focus. Working on my diet now and looking to start the 75 HARD challenge with my wife to see if...
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    Wyoming NR general tags - how many point required this year ??

    This will be me next year.
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    Wildlife task force, 90-10, etc.

    Since I don’t know where does the money from NR go if it doesn’t fund wildlife in the state of Wyoming? And drawing odds for a NR are getting worse every year. I can’t even draw a tag to take my boy hunting the last 2 years. Sad news is hunting is on life support. It sadly has become too much...
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    17 Remington

    I have one in an AR. great coyote rifle and easy on the pelts. It's my go too if saving pelts, if not then the 6x45 gets the nod
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    App Results Coming Soon *Via Email*

    What looks good to you? I'm looking and don't see anything really in the deer or antelope list. Kind of checking the elk over just not sure if the boy is ready for that, but I need to get something figured out for this fall. Might have to look south on some whitetail hunts