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  1. W

    Bow hunter training?

    Our great state is shut down due to the pricks on capital hill and I need to finish my bow hunter safety but can not due to shut down. I need to know if there is a bow safety class you can take online in one of the states that qualifies for Colorado. Any help would be great thanks
  2. W

    Archery shop Denver, Co

    Looking for a little help. My brother is in the seminary in Littleton just south of Denver and has had a hard time finding an archery range or shop close to his house. He came from Minnesota where archery is very popular we have 2 indoor ranges within twenty miles closest being 4 miles. He has...
  3. W

    Brown Envelope came...

    The other day a big brown envelope arrived at my house with eastmans on it. I almost peeed my pants with excitement, I thought I finally won the hunt did not know which one but I won. I opened it up and it was the last issue of the magazine, my first one had some printing issues on it and they...
  4. W

    Lucky to live in Wy.

    You guys who live in wy are lucky men. I love Wyoming but just points for me this year in your great state. I hope the winter is kind to you and the wildlife this winter. I am a little worried from what I have read.
  5. W

    Archery Elk an hour from Denver or so

    I am looking at some units around Denver and am looking for general info like is it a zoo, a 4 point or better realistic, type of terrain, any past experinces you would share, would I be an idiot for choosing that zone. I have 3 pp going into this year but my brother who lives out there has none...
  6. W

    arrows straight vs. spine

    I am currently shooting Carbon Express 3-D selects which are the straightest, most consistant spine I have found but are very expensive (180 clams for my last dozen custom fletched). I have read some stuff that straightness is not that important and it is mainly spine consistancey you should...