Search results

  1. Y

    Antelope success unit 32

    Thanks Wy-Tex that would be quite an experience for anyone
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    Antelope success unit 32

    That's a nice buck, good job and I like your story, may put my granddaughter in for that area for 2020 for her 1st ant. hunt thanks for shareing.
  3. Y

    Elk Unit 35 Success

    nice bull done the hard way, congrats on an exciting hunt.
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    Unit 100 success

    Great bull and an awesome hunt ,thanks for shareing
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    2019 Wyoming Recurve Moose

    very nice bull done the hard way congrats
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    Maine moose

    I struck out again in the wy. moose draw don't know if I will ever draw but after 19 yrs of applying I did draw a Sept. bull tag in zone 6. never been to Maine and was hoping someone on the forum might help with some info .I was planning on doing it myself. Any thoughts would be appreciated, Thanks.
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    Book Cliffs Deer

    The Eastmans forum members came through big time for me when I asked for help on my Book Cliffs muzzleloader deer hunt. The information was spot on which resulted in me taking my best buck ever. Thanks for the help.
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    Book Cliffs deer help

    I was finally lucky and drew a Book Cliffs muzzy deer tag.Would appreciate any info from members who would be kind enough to share.I have collected some info already and plan to spend 5 days scouting. Will have maps soon,thanks.
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    Colorado unit 61 1st rifle

    Well after 18 yrs my friend and I drew col. unit 61 1st rifle tags.I am new to the forum,just learning how it works.I have hunted in col. many times on wilderness backpack hunts but never near 61.If any members would be kind enough to share info it would be greatly appreciated .Thank You Yooper Bob